Some pictures of the current status of the project, please excuse the crappy quality iPhone pictures, I will be sure to switch to a real camera when it actually gets going.
This was my first mock-up, made when all I had was my Ultimarc and GGG order. Was able to verify everything worked at least, despite it looking like a Hellcade candidate.
Again, this project will be including dual Mini Racers for games like Sprint and Off Road, among others. I am actually looking forward to getting APB going however when everything is completely assembled.
The lovely Happ coin door with colored reject buttons.
The new mock-up, with current rough tests for how I plan to place the spinners. Again, please excuse the terribleness of this, am still figuring out how I want everything placed.
The Ultimarc U-Trak Pearl, no mounting plates on this control panel…
TurboTwist with GGG buttons.
The TV currently planning to be used. Regrettably the 27″ Happ bezel I purchased does not fit, so I need to decide if I want to de-case the TV, or sell the Happ bezel and make a new one.
It does have component input however.
That’s all for now. Nothing incredibly new and exciting going on with this project, but I’ll keep you posted anyway. 🙂